I’ve posted the article at the bottom of this post if you’d like to read it. I enjoyed that the author was equal parts skeptical and equal parts open to trying something new. People often give me the furrowed brow look when I tell them I’m an Energy Healer. The secret they don’t know is we can all be energy healers. I’m just intentionally doing so to help myself and others.
Why are more people using energy healing? There are endless avenues of healing to take – and it’s very common for someone to come in for a session that has tried everything in the book. Doctors, psychologist, psychiatrists, elimination diets, restrictive diets, work out programs, self help books, pills. And still not feeling better. Still feeling physically unwell. Or stuck. Or disillusioned with life. Or just feeling a general sense of “is this all there is?”
Most often, people are still focusing solely on the BODY.
The Atlantic article touches on our medical system’s focus on only addressing a patient’s physical symptoms. In medical cases that don’t need immediate attention, such as a broken bone or a heart attack, what we need to use for healing often times isn’t going to be found in the physical world. It’s found in the subtle energy running through, and surrounding, our body.
The body is only one small aspect of our vast, Soulful, Spiritual self. Yet we as a society are immensely fixated on the body. Sometimes we worship and love it, then we loathe it for failing us, then we rejoice in it, then we fear and loathe it again.
What if we just thanked the body for serving us as needed, listened to it, but remembered it’s just our vehicle. Then guide our thoughts to a space of neutrality towards the body. Would the body then take care of itself? Something to think about. Care for the body, be mindful and listen to the body when it communicates something is off balance – but know we are not the body. We are the energy animating it.
From this angle, we can address the energetic and emotional symptoms behind the physical symptoms showing up in the body. What is our Soul trying to communicate to us? What is the the Divine trying to communicate to us? How are our (often unfounded and purely imaginary) FEARS creating havoc on our mind and body?
A common question I get is: What is the energy used in energy healing?
If scientists can’t put it in a vial and label it, does it make it any less effective? Any less real? Not in my experience.
Call the energy what you feel comfortable with. If you’re trained in Reiki, you may think of it as “God’s Wisdom” (Rei) and “Life Force Energy” (Ki).
If you’re religious, you may call it the Holy Spirit.
If you’re scientific, you may call it Universal Energy, or The Field.
If you’re connecting with your Soul with intention, you may call it Spirit or your Higher Self.
If you call on the angels, you may call it Angelic Energy.
If you’re like my husband, you may be totally confused and call it “woo woo” energy.
The point is, the names are limitless! Reiki is just one facet of energy healing, and I choose to be open to all names.
It’s a vibration. It’s the One-ness we all come from. It’s what connects us all.
It’s the light we come from. It’s Love. Energy healing is an invitation to remember who you really are. It’s tapping into your Higher Self.
Why does hands on healing work? Because it’s healing from a Soul level, not a human level. I find it interesting that we as humans really want to be able to explain what energy healing is. I’m trying to do it right now! And it’s a bit hard to put into words. Ha. We try to take something that is mystical and spiritual and whittle it down to a textbook answer. It’s a tough thing to do – because we are meant to experience the energy and the effects on our life and not just read a scientific explanation of it. The fun and joy is in feeling the energy we are made of and how it can bring peace and healing and purpose. How it can unfold a different view of the world around you.
So if you’re like me, and you get tired of all the “fix the body” tools we are bombarded with every day in the news, online, and in stores, maybe it’s time to go deeper.
In fact, people often come to me for a healing session with their hands in the air saying “I’ve tried it all and nothing has changed! I surrender!”
This is the sweet spot. The Ego is losing it’s grip on you a bit. You begin to realize the human self can’t fix your fears or worries or ailments with just the human brain. This is a wonderful place of surrender. And when the human surrenders, there’s a gap in repetitive thoughts and beliefs for a moment. This brief moment is when Spirit can step in.
So for today, if you’re feeling stuck in your body, or feeling pain, or anxiety, or just apathetic about life…this is your sign that you’ve unplugged from your Source Energy. It’s time to plug yourself back in. Consciously take your focus away from the physical world for a bit.
Try this:
Close your eyes and put your hands on your heart.
Breathe deeply and let the body relax. Repeat to yourself: “I love myself. I love myself.”
Thoughts will come, but always return to this statement: “I love myself.”
Repeat anytime fear or anxiety or helplessness creeps in. Or anytime life throws a curveball. All curveballs are meant for your benefit. Let them turn you inward and remind you that you are more than a body; more than a human story. Consciously breathe in the energy that is guiding you lovingly along in this life. Simply saying “I love myself” will tap you into your own healing energy. Use it! Open up to it. Don’t get caught up in the fear of “doing” and “searching” and “fixing”. All you need is inside you right now. Let the energy heal you.
In every instant of every day, we have a choice. Fear or Love? Choose Love. But don’t just choose it with your mind. FEEL IT. Seek out things to do, or read, or chant, or sing, or paint, or hug – so that you FEEL it. Let go of fear and you are on your way to being your own energy healer.
Here’s the article from The Atlantic:
Thank you for sharing this post with anyone you think could use it. Let’s get the word out about energy healing!
In gratitude,