While on some level most know this to be true, what to do when you simply find it impossible to reach this level of light and love in certain situations? Shift to Neutral.
Imagine a meter representing your state of mind. To the left is your Ego self whose main emotion is: FEAR. To the right is your higher self: unconditional LOVE.
Left unchecked, people can vacillate between the two throughout the day. Or get stuck to the left. Although many aim to always look upon others in Love, if we’re honest, this can be hard some days. Here’s a great way to shift: look at the “problem” or “person” and say “Huh, look at that.” Look not through your physical eyes, but through your emotional/spiritual eyes. From your soul view, or your Expanded Self (you can also imagine your 3rd eye if you’re familiar).
I find this really works well when people are hard to have all-out loving feelings for when in the human drama. Begin by shifting your outlook about them to neutral. This opens a door in the moment. The brain doesn’t know what to do with this shift – and in that blink – in that moment – an expansion occurs. At some level we remember who we really are – who that person really is – and where we really come from.
The neutral state frees us from our fearful self. We may not be basking in the glow of loveliness (yet), but we also aren’t stuck in fear, anxiety, or guilt.
This is pretty easy to use with kids – as they are so forgiving and in-the-moment that they help us get over annoyance or anger pretty quickly. Plus I find unconditional love to be very easy with kids.
To shift to neutral towards peers, family, politicians, an illness, or trauma – the shift may seem harder, but that just means it’s likely there to teach us.
What happens as we consciously shift throughout the day? Over time, we are training ourselves to be centered. Neutral doesn’t mean blah or I give up. Think of it instead as a starting point. Over time the dial will naturally start inching to the right – toward LOVE. This is our natural state. We don’t have to work at it, improve ourselves, punish ourselves, seek outside guidance – we are that. We just need to remember.
By thinking to ourselves “huh, look at that,” we are seeing things with the fresh eyes of a curious person, an observer; opinion-free. By taking the pressure off of ourselves to hold only loving feelings towards all when that can be unrealistic at times, (if you do this all the time – you should write my next blog post for me) we can at least shift out of the muck. This can work great with anxiety or depression. When acknowledging an anxious thought that’s following you around in your head – and then consciously shifting to a neutral state – are you really going to pick up that anxious thought and say “come with me.” By saying “huh, look at that,” might you realize you can leave that anxious thought alone and let it dissolve?
The energies weaving in and around us right now are opening us all up to grow and remember our True Self. It’s time to Wake Up. You can see those that are fighting it – it plays out in the news headlines every day – and they are really struggling. We have compassions for them in our light moods, and we are frustrated and angry with them in our dark moods. Yet no matter what – they are a part of us.
As we each move our dial more towards Love, we invite the Universe/God/Divine/Holy Spirit to work through us. You don’t need to do all the heavy lifting. Shift just a little to neutral (everyone can do this!) – and let your Inner Spirit do the rest. Let it unfold. The amazing thing about doing this consciously in life, is that over time, people around you will change. Or new people, more in alignment with you, will show up in your life. Let yourself Wake Up.
In gratitude,

Can’t even find enough words to describe what a great job you’ve done here describing this state. Very digestible and great analogies. I’m sharing this will a good friend who has changed her thinking in such a profound way. She is not the same person since she realized the role her mind played in her life. Totally transformed herself over a year of learning. She’d love to read your writing. Keep up the great work! This is so important to share!
Thank you so much for your nice note Janet! And thank you for passing on my website – I appreciate it 🙂