Laugh and Cry
Live and Die
Life is a Dream we are Dreaming
-“Then You Look At Me” Horner/Jennings
One of the reasons people shy away from getting to know their Divine Self, or their higher self, is they don’t want to face the uncomfortable feelings, or memories, or certain aspects of themselves that come up when choosing to live a life of awareness. When we wake up.
Even the most spiritually awakened humans at times have feelings of self doubt, fear, anger – dense, low vibrational thoughts. Why? Because we are human in this go-round; we are on Earth to learn and grow. And while we are made of light, we also have a “Shadow” Self. Although you might not be familiar with the term, you will likely recognize the feeling.
The Shadow Self is that part of us that usually lies dormant, that comes out in moments of fear and judgement and self doubt. Don’t get this confused with the word “evil”. Because all of the energy in and around us, light and shadow, good and bad, is of the same Source. The Shadow Self is part of us, part of our personality, and our soul.
(Besides, what is “evil” really but a light fully lost in the shadows?)
We as individuals all have a Shadow Self and since we’re all connected, society as a whole has it’s own Shadow Self.
As more people wake up to their Divine Self, the aspects of our Shadow Selves are being seen and acknowledged – they are coming out in full force for us to address so they can lose their hold on not only us as a person, but all of the human race.
Let me put this into a global example. Here’s stating the obvious: there’s a lot of chaos in the world right now. Nobody can disagree with that. Notice how deeply held secrets and beliefs, underlying thoughts and strong emotions about race, economic standing, gender, sexuality – are being addressed and brought to the surface. We are taking a look at all aspects of the human psyche – from the good to the bad to the ugly. It’s as though everything is being cracked wide open. This is the Shadow Self of our society making itself known.
All of these thoughts from the collective unconscious are being manifested and “played out” in our world. Remember everything we as a society think – whether spoken out loud or held in the Shadow Self – is a vibration and eventually it will show up in our reality to be dealt with.
Life is co-created by Us…it is a “dream we are dreaming.” While it’s chaos for now, this will lead to more peace in the future as we break free of all of our hidden thoughts and beliefs. With awareness comes transformation. If we don’t allow ourselves to get caught in the muck of it all – true change can happen (see my post on using discernment vs. judgment)
So! What does this mean for you on a personal level?
Are you also feeling the effects of this powerful energy shift in your daily life?
Do you feel full of love and positivity one day and sluggish and depleted the next?
Maybe old memories and emotions from the past are coming up in the present moment?
Maybe things are actually manifesting in your life for you to address and work on?
There are any number of ways the Shadow Self can show up. Self doubt, resentment, anxiety, depression, fear. The important thing to remember is: this is part of you. This is nothing to be ashamed of. Just because you’re on a spiritual path doesn’t mean you’re perfect. You could be dealing with a painful experience from a past life, or from when you were 2 years old.
Why is all this important? Because through recognizing our Shadow Self – and most importantly accepting it – we can then take those dense energies and loosen their hold. However, if instead we choose to not acknowledge them (think of the repeated cycles of race relations, gender gaps, inequality) or shame ourselves for feeling them, those dense energies show up in violent behavior, addictions, and self harm. We can really be our own worst enemy. We see this all the time on the news, right?
How can you work with these energies in a positive way?
-First, when you feel fear or anger or frustration come up – let it. Don’t push it away. You’re not a bad person if you feel annoyed or angry. I tell my kids: “it’s okay to feel sad, it’s okay to feel angry”. If you push a feeling down it will STICK in your energy for days or years or a lifetime.
-If the situation allows, write it down. Or if it doesn’t, simply state it out loud: “I’m so angry that my boyfriend dumped me and I’m scared I’ll be alone forever” or “I’m so frustrated and I hate my job”. This sounds simple, but so often people fail to take the time to recognize their feelings before turning them into something self destructive or harmful to someone else.
-As you do this, remember your Divine Self – either by taking a few deep breaths or focusing on your heart or whatever it is that works to get you centered. By calling in your higher self, you will shift into being an observer of the feeling.
This is the magic moment.
When that internal shift occurs, which is easier to do than you think, you bring conscious awareness to the moment and to the Shadow energy. In fact you don’t actually have to DO anything. Just be in that feeling without a strong opinion of your reaction. You won’t die from feeling a feeling.
Give it space – you will feel a shift as it neutralizes. You might also cry, feel hot or cold, shiver, or sigh loudly. This is your body physically releasing. Always remember we are surrounded by high vibrational energy. Look at all the “empty”, open space around you. When you breathe in that air, it is full of so much that’s unseen.
We have so much power simply in our intention and the power of our breath in the present moment.
Now as you feel this shift, you may be drawn to take action – be sure it’s made from a place that’s in the moment and intuitive. Maybe you are drawn to go for a walk or a run outside – this will get that energy moving. Or maybe you’ll want to scream out loud (let’s try to avoid doing this in pubic. ha.), or punch a pillow, or go fishing, or dance, or paint, or simply take a bath. Go with what your body is telling you – not with what someone else says.
Know thyself – know thyself – know thyself
It’s important to remember this is an inside job. While you can reach out to talk to a friend, it really is your Divine Self that knows what you need and does all the heavy lifting anyway. And the answer will always, always come from a place of love.
Wouldn’t this be a better world if we all acknowledged our Shadow Self instead of pushing it down or letting it fully encompass us? Because even those who are doing evil acts on Earth – remember they’re also a loving light at their core – are simply completely engulfed in the shadows.
I find that as I acknowledge Shadow emotions or moods that come up that aren’t in resonance with my lighter/loving self, I’m now able to notice them and sometimes even use the energy to my advantage. I can be a feisty person and also introspective to the point where I need a lot of alone time. These aren’t my favorite things about myself, but when I am aware of this need and channel the energy the right way, I am happier, I love myself, and I get things done! See how it’s our awareness and acceptance of it that makes the difference? And how we work with it rather than push it down?
Listen to your Shadow Self. What is it trying to tell you? How can it serve you and how can it free you of what doesn’t serve you? If you find you’re not acting as your best self, don’t scold yourself – look within and get to the root of it. Let it know you have your eye on it. By turning your awareness to it, you’re taking away it’s power, and you’re bettering not only yourself, but the whole world.
(please note, always seek professional help if any negative thoughts get to be too much for you alone)
In closing, don’t be scared off or intimidated or ashamed of the term Shadow Self. As I’ve stated before: all energy, all humans, every atom, molecule, proton and neuron, seen and unseen, is part of Universal Energy/Source/God. You have nothing to fear other than living with blinders on. Ask your Divine Self to wake you up. Every day state out loud “wake me up!” Life unfolds in wonderful ways when you are a conscious co-creator.
Need a little release after this? I thought this song hit the spot with this post – turn it up and dance. Get that energy moving!
In gratitude,