The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak,
the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton
There are an endless number of books, theories, viewpoints, and ideas on what creates our reality. What is it that influences the path of our lives? What is orchestrating each connection with a new person, or connecting the dots to create an event, an abundance (or lack of), or new job, or whatever it may be into our life. Popular theory is that you as a human have a lot to do with it. You likely have used, or at least recognize, some main stream, self-help views to create these changes, such as:
-Think positively to get what you “want”
-Send out good vibes
-Visualize what you want
-Work hard and sacrifice in order to get what you want
-Write down your goals – then check them off your list
-Repeat positive affirmations
-Manifest what you want through positive intention
These all all nice and fine and I have nothing against them. I use some of them and they work – sometimes. And they bring the outcome I desire – on occasion.
But what about the times they don’t?
It’s usually not something you or I are doing wrong. It’s certainly not for lack of trying. Or lack of motivation or intention.
But what about the times you send out all the positive thoughts, high vibes, and visualization – and it simply doesn’t work? You don’t get the job, or make the money, or meet the spouse, or have the baby, or whatever it may be.
Did you fail? Did you not visualize clearly enough? Or send out enough good vibes or pray hard enough? Or worse – are you somehow being punished? Or not deserving? Or have “bad karma”? Not likely. What is the bigger picture that our human brain doesn’t quite grasp?
Now on the flip side: what about the negative thoughts you stress about? The “scary” outcome you let play out in your mind of something that could happen to you or a loved one – yet does NOT manifest in your physical life?
If all the negative thoughts you have (mostly) do not manifest in your life (whew)….then how should all the positive ones manifest on a consistent basis?
This is something to sit with and open your Mind to.
Here’s what I have come to know and is opening up to me more every day: we, as the human role we are playing, are not in charge as much as we’d like to think. Yet rather than feeling helpless or saying well then what’s the point? I find great comfort in this. It opens the door to giving the ego (what our human brain and personality thinks) less power and lets us remember our perfection through God/Source/the Divine’s grand plan for each of us. And that plan is never to suffer.
So while I believe in the intention behind thinking positively – it certainly feels better to say I’m healthy and a good person than it does to say I feel terrible – I also don’t want to struggle with my thoughts. That feels exhausting. We deserve to have a Peaceful Mind.
Yet despite doing our very best to “control” our chattering thoughts, worries, goals, and wishes – it seems that how things unfold in life have a lot more to do with forces outside of our human self.
Forces such as God/Source/Universal Energy, and our Higher Self. And all this Force wants for us is GOOD. And Love. It’s our brain here on Earth getting in the way.
As we open up to this greater Force, insights arise naturally. Guidance is always there for you. Life takes on more Joy.
For instance, this visual story just came through clearly for me to share. I didn’t have to struggle…it flowed:
Take a moment to picture yourself going on a walk through your neighborhood. Instead of seeing the viewpoint of looking out through your eyes, picture looking down on your body from a birds-eye view. Now imagine you can see all the thoughts and all the dreams (good and bad) running around in your human brain like little clouds. It’s very busy. It’s very cloudy with your fears and hopes. Now picture the neighborhood around you disappearing so that nothing outside of your body exists.
Now imagine bright, brilliant light surrounding your human body. See light, and as you see it, watch as the body of “you” itself seems to become not so solid. Not so rigid. Slowly your body is starting to dissolve into particles. Watch as the light is gently breaking away the clouds; the thoughts, affirmations, goals, and planning. And as they dissolve, the Light is allowed into the Mind of your greater reality. Not your brain – but your expanded Mind where all those particles have dissolved away into. This is your true home.
This process, of incorporating Light, is your Higher Self and God/Universal Energy/The Field/Holy Spirit – sending in Love for your highest good. Sending in intuitive nudges. Insights. Creative ideas. Gently, subtly, guiding you on your best path. For your highest good while on Earth.
It’s not the clouds we want – it’s the Light in and around us.
Now watch as slowly the body is starting to become more solid again. The particles are vibrating and forming together. Slowly the sparks of light expand outward, your physical body forms again, while the light stays in it and surrounds it. The sidewalk, trees, sprinklers, and kids playing begin to take shape, taking on the illusion of the world that surrounds you. But what you can see from this high viewpoint, is that the world around you is just a magnificent – yet very real – illusion. It’s there to unfold before you in each moment as you’re going on your walk.
With this exercise in mind – do you want your limited, human thought clouds to reflect out and form your reality? They are still there, yet you notice less clouds now, from this higher perspective.
Or will you listen with wonder, creativity, and Knowing, to the much greater, more loving, all-knowing Force that’s orchestrating it all? The one that wants your walk to be filled with grace. You may not hear it yet, but it’s never away from you. It’s the subtler voice. It’s harder to hear sometimes. It’s the calm one that follows consistently behind, above, and around your ego’s louder one.
In closing, keep saying the positive affirmations. Keep visualizing a peaceful world. For me, it’s a simple way to set the tone and stay grounded. Yet I now see these tools for what they are. Nice things to help us along at times – but not what’s steering the ship.
It’s my hope that you also experience the joy of knowing the truth that we can each unfold and pass on:
We always have one foot in the Earth world and one foot in Heaven – our Greater reality. We are always guided for our highest good and the plan is better than one we could think up on our own.
In gratitude,