When the virus came, it shook us from our slumber.
Some of us more asleep than others.
The world is our collective imagining. A lucid dream that we all share.
As we live and breathe within The Divine, each of us a cell creating this world – our temporary home with Mother Earth.
Somewhere, many times along the way, our dream got off course.
We took the Earth for granted, each other, the animals, the soil, the oceans.
Judgement, guilt, un-forgiveness, and blame turned cell against cell.
The body of humanity began to ache, and tire, and weaken.
We forgot that we are a collective, breathing body – each of us dependent on the other.
When fear, anger, judgement and hatred simmer just below the surface…the pressure builds.
A tipping point is reached and the fearful energy erupts.
And a virus is given fertile space to grow.
Our collective slumber begins to stir and and we rub our eyes, shake our head, wonder to ourselves, “what have we created”.
And The Divine just smiles.
Because we are always encompassed, surrounded, loved, and never judged.
The Divine knows who we really are. We are more than the dream we have dreamed.
We are light. We are love.
And we are called to remember.
And so, like a child, we are forced to take a time out.
We face our inner world as we each seclude, slow down, and go within.
The dust has been kicked up, the fires have erupted, the winds have shaken us.
And now we are asked to let it settle.
What can we release and what can we call in.
We face our creation, we invite in our Divine Self, and we open our Mind.
When we feel like crying, we cry. When we feel like helping, we help. When we feel like laughing, we laugh. When it’s all too much, we forgive ourselves.
And when we feel fear, we really feel it. We sit in it, stew in it, and fear the fear itself.
And soon we realize to push it away only gives it permission to come back again later.
So we stare it down and it loses it’s power. We remember our strength.
Our calling is realized as we surrender and let go.
And so the cells begin to work together again.
Everyone serves in the way they are called. Even those paralyzed by fear or sadness – they hold that space and feel it – which gives it room to rise and be released.
Wherever you are is where you’re supposed to be.
And the world continues to turn. As slowly the cells begin to remember their light.
And one cell lights up and the cell next to them begins to brighten.
And The Divine keeps smiling. Keeps breathing us. Keeps the pulse of life in steady rhythm.
The plan is unfolding; we are doing our part.
We forgive our emotions, our moods, our anger, our pain.
We let go of all guilt.
The Divine is not a punisher. The Divine is not separate from us.
The Divine is cradling us as a mother to a small child who is having a nightmare. Wake up, wake up, she says.
So we rest, we slow down when we can, we take action when called.
We build a cocoon.
We ease our grip, our opinions, our constant need for control. Because we have no choice.
We remember our inner power and forgive the outside world for all the ways it has let us down.
Some fight it, some ignore it, some embrace it. All ways are part of the plan.
And soon we emerge from our cocoons.
Some scared of change, other eager to stretch their wings.
And each cell slowly points the way, and the collective body begins to breathe together again.
As slowly we wake up and a new dream takes form.
And we are a new Being in a New World.
-Nicki Gordon
“ A happy outcome to all things is sure.” A Course In Miracles, lesson 292