Writing the first post on your new blog is not as easy as one would think. So many things to cover but where to start? I decided to do a quick mediation and what came to me clearly is this: talk about frequency.
What do I mean by frequency? Well as most know, everything we see, hear, and touch has it’s own vibration, and in turn, it’s own frequency. Even our thoughts and emotions have their own energy, vibration, and frequency.
Some things have a slower, denser frequency, such as the laptop I’m typing on. Some emotions have a lower frequency, such as hate. As frequencies get higher, they reach the level of sound, then light. Go higher still and there’s the spirit world that surrounds us. Someday when our dense human body wears out, our soul frequency emerges and returns to it’s natural state, as a loving frequency of light. Just because we don’t see these higher frequencies, doesn’t mean they aren’t there and cannot be accessed.
Your own frequency and vibration can greatly affect not only how you see your world, but also how the world interacts with you. Notice how each person you encounter is also their own vibration and frequency. If you are in tune enough, you can even sense their frequency intuitively. Some feel heavy. Some are “energy drainers”. These personalities tend to be more aligned with the frequency of fear. Some are more vibrant and lighter. Ever run into someone who just feels like a “breath of fresh air?” Their secret? They are quite literally vibrating at a higher frequency. They are more in alignment with the frequency of joy and light. While everyone, and I do mean everyone, is made of the highest most pure frequency, not everyone decides to align to this while here on Earth. But we all have the capability.
I won’t get into too much more today as this is a vast subject – yet profoundly simple at it’s core. If this sounds like a foreign language to you, please stick with me. What I DO want this first post to do is open your awareness of energy and the corresponding frequency. Are you aware of the frequency you vibrate at? Can you notice how it changes throughout the day as your mood changes or as you interact with different people? What is the frequency you settle most easily into when you wake up in the morning? What feels like home to you?
In closing, I’m going to paraphrase a parable I was once told that has stuck with me. My apologizes to whomever the original author is, as I’m not sure.
There was a small town – much like any other place in the world. A man was just moving into town and saw an old man standing on the corner. He walked up to him and said, “Hi, I’m new to town. Tell me, what are the people like here?”
“Well, what were the people like in the town you lasted lived?” the old man asked.
The man responded, “Oh they were awful. They were mean, ungrateful, bad people.”
The old man frowned, “Sorry to say, that’s exactly what the people are like in this town.”The very next day, there was another new man moving into the same town. He ran into the same old man on the corner, and asked him, “Hi, I’m new to town. Tell me, what are the people like here?”
“What were the people like in the town you last lived?” the old man asked.
He responded, “They were lovely people. Kind, generous, loving people.”
The old man smiled, “Well that’s great, that’s exactly what the people are like in this town.”
I love this story for the simple fact that it reminds us that we are each in control of what we see and how the world interacts with us and presents itself to us. The key to this is: what vibration and frequency are you aligning with and how is this creating your world? Is it causing you to see the world through the lens of JOY or through FEAR? And more importantly, is your frequency helping or hurting not only yourself, but those you come into contact with? The choice is one we get to make every day.
I’ll explore this topic much more in posts to come, including how to align yourself to the frequency of Light, and watch your life unfold in wonderful ways. So until next time, thank you so much for taking the time to be here!
In gratitude,

Great posts Nicki! Thank you for sharing your love and light with all of us. I can’t wait to follow along. I may use the story of the “man moving to town” in a yoga class!
Thank you Carla!