Are you craving something different but not sure what?
Are you overwhelmed with thoughts of the past, anxiety over the future, or just plain indecisive?
Do you long to feel a connection to your purpose here on Earth?
Are you seeking more happiness? More peace? More adventure?
What a wonderful space to be in!
You’re starting to question life and your place in it.
Questioning and being curious is the SWEET SPOT.
Your Soul is knocking – maybe it’s time to slow down and listen.
If you look deeper, you also know that simply changing something in your human role (hair, job, diet, exercise routine) – while helpful – never solves the actual disconnect.
Here is where meditation comes in.
I’m excited to tell you about a class I took with meditation coach Kelly Howell that refreshed my practice when I needed a little something to mix it up.
As a daily meditator for several years, I know from experience that meditation is powerful.
It’s helped me to:
* Eliminate anxiety
* Gain new ideas
* Realize and release limiting beliefs
* View life from a different perspective (human vs soul)
* Anchor in a peaceful space when life gets crazy
* Get to know my subtle energy field
Most importantly, meditation allows me feel the energetic vibration of my connection to Universe/Source/God – as a co-creator of my life.
Slowing down and quieting the monkey mind brings a higher – more peaceful and happy – frequency to your Awareness.
Contrary to what many believe, meditation isn’t just about watching your thoughts and being “mindful”.
In meditation you can ask for help (and receive it!), get inspiring new ideas, heal your body, let go of outdated beliefs, and bring more happiness to your life.
Simply put – IT GETS ALL THE GUNK OUF OF THE WAY so you can be who you really are!
♦Once you bring Awareness to your thoughts, beliefs, and mind chatter….your inner world changes.
♦This inner change creates ripples that extend into your outer world changing.
♦Meditation and getting quiet is KEY.
My mind chatter had grown louder during quarantines, virtual school, and so much time at home. I’m sure many can relate to this! So I took my frustration and questions into my meditations for several days and ASKED for my next step. Enter Kelly Howell.
One day in the silence, her name popped into my head (this is how it works!). I had purchased Kelly’s meditations when first starting out my practice years ago, yet I hadn’t thought of her or her work in a long time. I was so excited to see she was offering a masterclass on meditation for all levels of experience. And I was grateful my Soul/Universe brought this to my attention when I needed it.
Kelly is the Founder of Brain Sync. With over 17 Million users worldwide, Kelly is renowned for her pioneering work in meditation, healing and mind expansion. She is a 6-time National Best Selling audio author, and her book, Brain Power: Improve Your Mind as you Age , is recommended by the Mayo Clinic.
She brings over 30 years of meditation teaching and training experience.
Kelly’s meditations combine music and binaural beats (all you need are headphones) to train your brain to relax. I love the SCIENCE behind Kelly’s work and the simplicity of it. It is a great jumpstart to deepen your meditation. She can get you on the right path…and the rest is up to you!
While I love to lead meditations and teach meditation techniques – I don’t have access to the library of audio/binaural beats that Kelly offers. These recordings are a wonderful tool in getting your brain to enter a meditative state.
Kelly’s class ties together teachings and audio recordings meant for both beginners and experienced meditators looking to revamp their practice.
Here’s a few details before I send you off to her website:
* This is a 4 week class – start when you’d like
* Watch the video recordings at your own pace
* Receive all the guided and unguided meditations as downloads you can use whenever you’d like
I took the time write about my experience and recommend Kelly’s course because I think people need meditation now more than ever.
Meditation helps you realize how FREE you can be in life.
You are a creator – and as you begin to get out of your own way – life unfolds as it’s meant to.
You can click on the image below to be directed to Kelly Howell’s website:
If you end up signing up for the Meditation Masterclass – please let me know how it helped you!
All the best,