Lao Tzu
While practicing mindfulness on what you want to bring into your life, try not to limit yourself to just creating material change (new job, new car, new body) but go further and work on mental and spiritual change and growth. That’s what we’re here for! There’s so much to gain by stretching your mind and energy past the mundane of every day life.
As a piggyback to my last post on “I Am” meditation, I’m going to talk about an important step of working with Divine energy: practicing the art of letting go and letting flow. In the process of welcoming healing, creativity, and growth into your life, it’s important to remind yourself to surrender.
Remember that physics proves that everything around us, including our physical bodies, is made up of vibrating energy. Nothing is actually solid. This means that everything around us only becomes solid in our “view” by us looking at it. I love this. Our world is truly an illusion we are creating over and over. So as you feel your goals and ideas in your heart and send them out to the Universe, you’re instructing the subtle energy around you to slowly shift to create what you are consciously (or unconsciously) manifesting. We can focus our attention and intention to better our physical lives through self healing or our mental lives through increased happiness and abundance.
What does letting go mean for you? Quite simply it means get out of your own way. Loosen any attachments to how or when something will happen – and simply allow. Since no energy is ever destroyed, but rather rearranged or evolved into something new, the attachments we hold to a situation or an idea can hold us back if we don’t release the energy to be transformed. If you hold too tightly or focus too much on fear and what if and how, the energy is too tied up in your thoughts. It isn’t free to form into the very thing you’re trying to create or heal. Instead you keep looking around and seeing the same thing, experiencing the same thing, viewing and inviting in the same thing over and over.
Let it go.
This explains the phenomenon of people meeting their spouse after they quit looking so hard. Or the skeptic being healed by energy work since they have no expectation or attachment to the outcome.
Breathe deep
Laugh to loosen up the energy
Allow life to unfold without the fear or struggle of a timeline
We as a society crave immediate gratification. We know it’s important to have goals in life and seek out what we want, but we often turn this into a struggle and become stressed when things don’t happen on our planned timeline. However – in the higher realms of quantum and spiritual energy, there’s no such thing as time. Everything is happening right now: past, present, and future are all in this single present moment. It’s only here in the denser energies on Earth that we label things with minutes, hours, and days, so that we can function in an organized manner. There’s nothing wrong with this, but we have to remember we are human and spirit. So whenever I get impatient and want something to happen now, I turn to the “I Am” statements and focus on knowing that in the timeless quantum and spiritual realms, that which I desire already exists. I just have to wait for the Divine Timing for it to manifest into physical form. If it’s in the best interest of my Divine Self, it will eventually take shape in the denser reality I live in.
In the meantime, I do things to get back in the present moment so that stress or anxiety doesn’t hold my energy back. Go outside, go for a run, play with my kids, go sky diving. Okay I don’t go skydiving. But do whatever works to get the energy moving while giving my mind a rest.
By releasing attachment and letting go, you’re free to enjoy the process of learning and experiencing things as they unfold. Take notice and say “thank you” when the right people, the right opportunities, in the right moment, show up for you. That’s the fun of it all. Have an attitude of gratitude and divine synchronicity will happen again and again.
By remaining open and going with the flow, you can create anything in yourself and in your material world that’s in alignment with your Divine Self. Notice how I didn’t say your human self. Sometimes we have to learn lessons here on Earth, so certain experiences must play out for our learning. Always go within and listen to your inner guidance – and know when it’s time to let the energy go, so you don’t suffocate the very thing you want to bring into your life.
Repeat this if you’re stuck:
All is as it should be
All is as it should be
This helps me when my kids are fighting and the house is a mess and it’s dinnertime and I haven’t showered yet. Accept it all. All is as it should be. Some days this is easier than others, but we just do the best we can. Remind yourself to surrender and release. Experience all that is right now. It’s through the present moment that life comes back to you in the best possible way, in the best possible timing. You’re never alone and always supported by Spirit.
In gratitude,