I listened to a podcast the other day where a teacher referred to a Bob Newhart sketch about addressing our fearful mind. I love Bob Newhart and had never seen this video, but I thought it was worth sharing – for the laugh of course, and also for the bit of insight.
Those familiar with my writing know I focus on edging out our Ego or “small self” voice in favor of following our True Self or our “Expanded Mind” that never dies. I just love the idea of saying “stop it!” to our repetitive, fearful, and useless thoughts. What if today we just didn’t give those thoughts any space in our space? Bob is on to something. Just “stop it”! Make it that easy.
So often we forget that the Ego chatter is not in control if we are aware of it. If we watch it instead of getting lost in it. When we notice those fearful thoughts, it’s a doorway and opportunity to say No more. This state of mind and emotion is not going to be my comfort zone. Joy is my comfort zone. We are surrounded and flowing in God/Source/The Divine. Yet in a strange way, it’s sometimes comforting, or easier and familiar, to let our Ego drown out our true reality and fill it with illusions we have conjured up about life and how we “think” it should be. Let today be the day you say: Stop it!
For today: listen to your True Self saying “stop it” – maybe with more love and forgiveness than in the sketch – to any thoughts and emotions that aren’t the real you.
For today: FOCUS ON JOY
In gratitude,