This coming Tuesday, March 20th, marks the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This brings us a day of approximately equal parts daylight and equal parts darkness. Energetically, the equinox is a perfect reminder to focus on bringing balance into our life. As nature works on balancing herself by bringing warmer weather after a long Winter, it’s also a time for each of us to look at all we’ve been through so far this year, and focus on how to find more balance in ourselves.
I’ve been feeling a bit unbalanced not from my own energy, but from the NEVER ENDING energy of my kids. It goes without saying I love them and all their ups and downs, but wow are they in need of bike riding, swimming, and park play. Spring fever is real and it’s on display at my house. Daily.
So I try – not always successfully – to let their energy be their energy and do my best to balance it out by spending more time doing anything calmer (ha) whenever I can. Even if I have to find it hiding in my closet during a game of hide and seek. Is anyone else like me, where they hide in a place so far out of the way knowing it’ll keep the kids searching for a good 10-15 minutes? This is a little trick I like to call “hide and meditate”.
And while I love to play a game of Memory as much as the next person, I have to say that after 15 games in one day, I’m losing my JOY for it.
So maybe I’ve caught Spring fever too.
When I feel the restlessness or irritation of being out of balance, the best remedy is to focus on what brings me joy. And to not allow myself excuses such as, ‘there’s no time’ or ‘there are more important things to get done’. What’s more important than our personal energy and mindset? If that is off, everything else follows. So I find my joy and balance whenever I can through music, writing, time with friends or being by water, long walks, or meditation.
What brings you the most joy that you could carve out some time for?
Is there something you loved to do as a kid that you would find joy in again as an adult?
I’ve also been listening to this Van Morrison song a lot. The kids have mixed reactions to this. But for me, this song is perfection. It brings me an instant feeling of peace and the theme of the garden and nature is perfect for the Spring Equinox. I hope you enjoy it too.
Think Spring!
In gratitude,