-e.e. cummings
In my last post I touched a bit on Spirit communication; communicating with those who have crossed over. One form of this is through sitting in deep meditation, raising your vibration, and getting a “sense” that a loved one on the Other Side, or maybe your Spirit Guide, is with you. Quite simply, you can invite them to sit with you – and they will.
Another way to communicate – and what anyone can easily do – is to ask Spirit for a sign that they are with you. I’ll share a quick story that illustrates this. About a year after my husband’s Grandma Dot passed away, I could feel her sitting with my son and me as I read him a bedtime story. Dot was the sweetest woman, and loved my kids so much, so I often feel her watching over them. I asked her to show me a sign in my life that she was with us. Sure enough, the very next morning I got a text from my Mom. She told me she’d just picked up her new foster kitty. Her name? Dot.
I laughed out loud and thanked Dot for the quick response! It was a great sense of validation.
I had another experience with Spirit last weekend, on Easter Sunday. The week before, I had felt the presence of my Grandma, who has passed away, with me during my daily mediation. I received some images from her to know that she was with me (I tend to receive messages clairvoyantly). So I asked her to please send me a sign, and I went on to suggest how she could. She used to wear a charm bracelet with the names of all her grandchildren on it, so I suggested she either bring a charm bracelet into my life, or have someone talk about one, etc. I don’t own a charm bracelet, it isn’t something I often encounter, so I thought it would be a good, clear sign and not too vague. Sure enough – just a week later – within 5 minutes of showing up at my family’s Easter gathering, my cousin walked up to me and held out her hand. In it was Grandma’s actual charm bracelet she used to wear. I hadn’t seen it in years and she said she thought it would be fun to bring to make it feel like Grandma was with us. Now who do you think send her that nudge to bring it? My Grandma of course.
I love these two examples because it shows just how close the Other Side is to us, how connected we are even after crossing over, and how our loved ones do want to communicate with us.
This is important for us to know so that we’re aware we’re never alone on this journey; we are always loved and supported by Spirit. Knowing this eases any anxiety or fears in life, because when we know we have our Divine Self, guides, angels, and loved ones with us always – we can then see the bigger picture. We can spend this go-round on Earth living with more joy and purpose. We can enjoy the ride more. Spirit is always “here” for us – they’re just at a different vibration; in a different dimension.
If someone you loved has crossed over – why not carve out a few short minutes each day to sit and think about them? By simply thinking about them and setting the intention to communicate, you call them to you and invite their energy to be around you. Go further and ask them for a sign if you’d like validation. Make it something that you won’t second guess. If you ask to see a bee as a sign and you already have a hive in your backyard, that might not be validation enough – it’s too easy. My friend knows her Dad is around when she finds a wild turkey in her yard. That’s a little more random and validating. If your Grandpa loved a certain item – ask to see that around in your life. Or ask for a specific scent, animal, or song.
Then follow through on your part to receive: open your eyes and ears. Be attentive to your surroundings. Look around, take life in, and put down the phone. Set aside the computer. This not only makes life itself more enjoyable, but also opens you up to receiving messages and helpful guidance from your Divine Self, Spirit Guides, or loved ones.
One final story I’ll share is something that happened to me last Summer that I still find a bit unbelievable. After finishing a book by medium Janet Nohavec, I was inspired to ask my Higher Self to send a sign that Spirit was around me. That I was supported. Even after all that I read, study, and experience I still have my days where I question everything. I still have the side of me that asks for more validation and examples in my life. I guess that’s the natural skeptic in me.
I often think of finding a feather as a sign that my Spirit Guides or loved ones on the Other Side are with me – so I figured I’d find a feather that day after I sent my question and intention out. I then went outside to my backyard – and was shocked at what I saw. My whole yard was covered in feathers. Not just a few scattered here and there. They were floating in the pool, covering the walkways, in the bushes. Everywhere. My kids started to pick them up excitedly, wondering what was going on. I stood there speechless. I’d asked for a sign and I got one I couldn’t deny away. And it wasn’t the small one I anticipated; maybe Spirit knew I needed more. That certainly did the trick. Since then I’ll find maybe one feather now and then in the backyard, but it’s never again “rained” feathers as it did that afternoon.
If we ask for validation or signs in life and are open to receiving, it’s amazing what can show up. Some might shake their heads and not believe this, and that’s okay. We each open up in our own time. But do remind yourself to look around – welcome in the opportunity to wonder and be in awe of all that surrounds and supports you.
In gratitude,