As a curious person by nature, I can spend hours pondering metaphysical concepts, the Universe, and all things seen and unseen. I know a lot of you reading this can relate. But one day I read a quote about a group of people studying a map for years and years….yet never actually taking a trip. This struck a chord with me.
While it’s a joy to ponder and plan and wonder about life – isn’t the whole point to experience it?
I started looking at how I was energetically living my life.
I came to know we are spiritual beings first and foremost – projecting into this body suit for a bit. This means we are energetic beings, we vibrate at various frequencies, and we are constantly creating and in motion. We’re tuning into different frequencies all day every day whether we realize it or not.
I love a visual – so let’s think of these frequencies as stations on a radio. You can turn the dial yourself and tune into them simply by your intention and focus.
Searching is one station on the radio.
On this station, you’re looking “out there” for answers. And for every question you have, you can bet there’s a place you can look outside yourself for the answer: books, podcasts, teachers, self improvement plans, family & friends, strangers on a plane, and of course Google searches!
Receiving is another station on the radio.
This station takes you to your intuitive inner world. Reach it quickly by closing your eyes and placing your hand on your heart. It’s a subtle shift in frequency. Now open your eyes and carry that space and extend it out from you. You’ve now left searching mode and found your space as the receiver.
To receive what? Guidance, insight, and knowing, from YOU as Spirit.
Sounds so simple, right? Easy to do when we’re alone maybe – but harder when out and about in the world with the distractions, seeming chaos, and bright shiny objects.
So how does this apply to life?
I was a HUGE goal setter growing up. I loved setting up future plans, posting them on lists, patting myself on the back for making them happen, and kicking myself for failures. It was comforting to feel like I was in control. Until I realized I was putting way too much trust and importance on “getting things done” and not enough on what’s going on RIGHT NOW. How am I feeling? How am I connecting to the Great Spirit/Creator and my Spirit? Goals were taking me out of the present moment and constantly focusing my busy, worrying, fearful mind on the future.
In other words, my station was consistently set to searching.
It. Was. Draining.
I realized I didn’t want to always be looking at the map. I wanted to loosen my grip on planning, strategizing, and trying to maintain a flimsy sense of control.
I dug deep, then deeper, then gave myself permission to just BE. To set intentions – but leave myself open to receive. To remember that the human side of me doesn’t know the bigger plan. I’m not always in control of this story, and that’s frustrating, but it’s okay.
The moment I became disenchanted with future planning was the moment I put the map down and said: let’s just see what comes up next. AND JUST LIKE THAT…my Soul, Spirit, and Source were given a doorway to enter.
My searching mode ceased and I (slowly, I’ll admit) turned my station to receiver.
{Full disclosure: yes, I have to turn my station there again some days}
You came here for a purpose. And the purpose is not to get caught up in the chaos of Earth. Because while it’s chaos to our human eyes and in our human story, there is a greater plan and meaning. But you do have to change your radio station.
Your purpose could be as simple as planting a garden, being a great parent, or I don’t know, raising llamas. The point is, it’s what feels good, peaceful, and natural in your heart. Receiving mode will lead you there. You’ll feel it intuitively.
What if you gave yourself permission to quit looking down at your map and instead took a deep breath, accepted the present moment, and took a single step forward. Guided moment…by moment…by moment.