Whelp. I guess he’s definitely my kid. At this point my husband would have said, “go ask your Mom.”
Why do we come to Earth? Perfect, let’s dive into this at 10pm on a Monday night. I do love this question though and thought it worth sharing our conversation.
I began by explaining it’s my belief that it’s our Soul’s choice to visit Earth. I believe the larger aspect of us, which you might call your Soul/Higher Self/Awareness/Consciousness, chooses when to incarnate (I believe we incarnate for many lives), to which parents, which part of the world, and which circumstances. I like to think of it as going to an amusement park or choosing to play a game. But of course Earth steps it up a notch by being a wildly immersive, multi-sensory, all-inclusive game.
The game of Life.
To illustrate my point further, we talked about the fact that we as Souls are creative Beings with a very powerful, imaginative, and expansive energy – because we originate directly from the Divine. And we’re always connected to her – and her energy. Because of this connection and power, the energy that we are wants to CREATE. It wants to expand. It wants to experience new things and try out new ideas.
While there’s always an energetic aspect of us that remains “on the other side,” our Soul/Awareness chooses to send some of its creative energy to Earth in order to live out a human life. So in this way, we are truly Spirit – living a human Game of Life for a while. But the large majority of our energy doesn’t even come here to Earth – it remains in the higher frequencies/realms.
To simplify it, I asked him this:
Imagine a life where you always get what you want with the snap of your finger, and everything was always perfect and blissful, with no challenges, no mystery, and no great adventures. That might be fun for a bit…but is that really what you would want FOREVER?
Going further, would you pay admission to see a movie where the main character’s storyline consisted of walking through beautiful meadows, then sitting next to a sunlit stream, followed by spending the remainder of the movie staring serenely as clouds drifted by?
While that sound heavenly to me after a busy summer…wouldn’t that movie be entertaining for all of 10 minutes? Then we’d ask, where’s the action? Where’s the plot? Where’s the passion? Where’s the other characters?
It’s for this reason our Soul chooses to come to Earth. We want a story to live out! We want a plot! We want an array of characters – from the lovely to the mind boggling and annoying! We want challenges to rise to, we want to stretch ourselves, face our fears, and fall in (and out) of love. Our Soul longs to experience all the emotions, all the suspense, all the wins and loses.
Because our Soul knows, that no matter what our “human” goes through, we are always and forever that big ball of energy that’s connected to the Divine/Source and always “at peace” at the higher level. Because we are both living out the game AND creating/watching it.
Shockingly, I didn’t put my son to sleep with this explanation and he seemed to like the analogy. To make him wonder even more (I love a curious mind!) I added, “but that’s just MY belief! It’s now your mission to live out your Game of Life and find your belief about why you came here.”
I reminded him to think of life as an immersive 3D adventure where the main goal is to follow what You love and not to simply follow what you think will make others love you more.
The point of the game is not to search for love from outside ourselves, but to live out our passions and love ourselves while doing so. By living in this vibration, love will then naturally ripple out to help others in their own Game of Life.
I hope this ignites a remembrance in you as you wonder, why am I here?
By remembering that a larger part of you chose to have an aspect of your Awareness come to Earth, play a human role, and experience something new – you might stir up some new energy on your life path.
I wrapped up the chat with my son with a simple tool to quiet his mind:
When what’s the point? pops up, take it as an invitation to stop and sit still.
Take a few deep breaths with your hand on your heart, and ask, what can I do next that makes me feel the most joy and expansiveness? What speaks to my heart?
Following this age-old, simple step gets you back in the groove of your own Game of Life.
And with that, I said: GO TO SLEEP!
Sweet Dreams to all the brave game players out there.