Like most people, I find it challenging some days to carve out time to exercise. When I do have time I tend to stick to the classic run or walk and possibly some quick yoga. While cardio has it’s obvious benefits, sometimes we just need a little jumpstart to our energy system that doesn’t require a lot of heavy lifting. Something that quickly and effectively reconnects us with our body.
When life is busy and we defer to autopilot mode, it’s easy to become disconnected from our body and allow the mind to fully take over. This can cause energy blocks and a feeling of being ungrounded and out of control. Our bodies and Divine Self long for us to stop, breathe, and reconnect to the present moment. To feel the energy coursing through our body. This is where real healing can happen.
I’ve found that you don’t need a ton of time to get your energy balanced and start your day off feeling present and grounded. Below is a short video by Donna Eden, a knowledgeable and well known energy medicine teacher. This is a short energy routine that I like to do either first thing in the morning and/or as a pick-me-up for the late afternoon energy slump. The first several times I had to use the video, but after a week or so it’s easy to memorize the moves so you can do them on your own – anytime. My daughter found this video hilarious and tried some moves too. She’s 3. If she can do it so can you!
Take note of how you feel before the video and how you feel after. It’s amazing what a few easy moves can do to get your energy flowing. Enjoy!
In gratitude,