The great task in life is to find reality.
-Author/philosopher, Iris Murdoch
How real is the world around you? How solid is the chair you’re sitting on? Very solid, you might answer. Yet not according to quantum physicists, who’ve proven that nothing is actually solid. Everything is in a constant state of motion.
We take it mostly for granted, but the truth is it’s only through a trick of our physical eyes that the phone in our hand appears solid, the foot in our shoe appears solid, etc. Everything around us, including our body, is moving energy. Levels of vibration; waves of light.
So how real is our reality?
My son used to get terrible night terrors. My husband and I would find him thrashing and crying in his bed; reaching out at something that wasn’t there. His eyes were closed, he was clearly asleep, and didn’t realize he was dreaming. Experiencing something that terrified him enough that he cried. Many of us have experienced the same type of vivid nightmare.
But then morning would come, my son would open his eyes, and here he was in this reality. But didn’t the dream he had seem real? It was clear enough to him that his body physically reacted. He never left his bed, never opened his eyes – it played out in his mind.
But a bad dream is just that – a dream. We shake off the fog of sleep, get up, and go about our day.
However – what if the reality we wake up to and go about our day in, the one science has proven is constantly in motion, is just another form of dreaming? Another layer of consciousness? A type of illusion and an elaborate imagining of our powerful Mind?
Scientists have discovered the “observer effect” is what causes the world around us to appear solid. It’s not until the observer lays eyes on something, that the waves of motion of potentiality, slow down enough to become a “thing”. Even more interesting, each observer’s thoughts effect what they see differently, depending on intention.
When we realize the human life we’re living is really a reflection, a projection, of our most persistent thoughts, it’s beneficial to look closer at our inner world. I say persistent thoughts because these are the thoughts we have emotions tied to. They’re so strong they become beliefs and thought patterns in our mind. They’re the worn pathways we fall back to – versus the fleeting thoughts that pop in and out without much emotional attachment. Once we realize how impactful our emotionally charged thoughts and beliefs are, it’s exciting and a bit daunting.
What do we do with this information? We can set the intention to stop letting life be a projection of our fears (our human brain and ego), and wake up to our True Self: our creative and loving Soul. By shifting above fear, the mind begins to experience this Earth reality as an extension of Love, The Universe, Creativity, God. Rather that projecting our human fears into this waking dream, we can relax and extend our creative essence to co-create a better world.
Seeing the world for what it is…a dream-like state, a play of consciousness…it’s easy to forgive the world and all it’s insanity. Forgive people who are asleep. Forgive people who are tuned out or numb. Notice they’re doing their best and running on patterns of thought while seeing today with the same eyes as yesterday. They haven’t discovered there are layers to consciousness; we are multi-dimensional beings. And that’s ok – there is no timeline or rules on how to experience this reality.
I love the dream analogy and want to visit it one more time. Imagine yourself lying in bed at night having a vivid dream that appears very real to you. In the morning you “wake up” and enter your waking consciousness. You say to your partner, “Oh my God! I had the craziest dream!” Then you get up and immerse yourself in your human consciousness vs. your night-sleep consciousness. And the cycle continues of dreaming and waking life.
Then one day your body wears out or becomes sick or gets old, and it’s time to shed the physical body and end this human life. Where does your Mind, your consciousness, your Soul, go? This time you wake up yet again. But now you wake up in your true Home. You enter another layer of your consciousness – your expanded consciousness. Without the human brain to filter down your surroundings – you are pure Mind. Pure consciousness and light. Maybe you’ll look back on this brief human life and say “Oh my God! What a crazy dream I just had!”
We are energy and Spirit and never die. We simply shift vibrations after this human life. We shift realities. We close our eyes to Earthly life and open them on the Other Side.
Think of this next time you see a person hurting themselves or those around them: they are fully asleep in their dream-like state. They’re having a night terror. They’re thrashing out at the world they’ve created. They’ve blocked out, or fallen asleep from, their vast and loving Soul. They’ve forgotten their connection to Source/God. We’ve all experienced this state of mind, but we’re always fine at the higher level. Always protected and loved.
I love the message in A Course in Miracles, that says “there is no sin. There is only lack of love.” Forgive people for being asleep here. In fact, sometimes we need to be asleep – so we can experience the joy of unfoldment and waking up.
In timing that’s unique to each individual, we awaken to the vibration of love, our true home, and remember we are an aspect of God/The Universe – and not separate. The Universe is breathing us into life each morning. Let the dream become more joyful. Everything is permeable. Nothing is solid. Wake from the dream where you are the victim of fearful thoughts, and remember who you really are. It’s not something you can think your way to – this is a feeling you let take hold, get to know, and recognize. To experience it is to feel a lifting vibration.
Earth’s dense energies can cause us to get lost and forget at times. But we can tap into any vibration we choose to. We are that powerful!
Life becomes more fun and joyful by discovering this truth. Driving with my kids the other day, we started talking about cars we’d like to own someday. I told them about wanting (but not getting) an old, red, VW Bug convertible when I was in high school – like the one pictured below. “I haven’t seen one of those old bug convertibles years. I never see people driving them anymore and I just love them!” I said, and I thought how I’d like to see one. Actually I did more than “think” – I felt the joy I used to feel when I saw and longed to own that car.
The very next day I was driving alone along the lake we live by. As I neared a bend in the road, I saw another car coming my way. You guessed it – it was a 1960s, red, VW Bug convertible. The joy inside me bubbled up and I laughed at how life works.
I don’t believe in coincidences. What are the chances we’d be the only two cars on that road, at that time, the very next day. This was God winking at me. Telling me “I’m here with you.”
It’s a dream; a wonderful creation of your powerful, vast, loving Mind. Wake up to who you really are. Experiment with this idea. Have fun with it. Ask for signs. Ask for guidance. Then let them show up and extend into your reality. Be grateful.
Finally, I’d like to note: realizing life is a kind of illusion is not to diminish the meaning of life on Earth. It’s still a very real experience. It’s not making life any less important, impactful, or valid. We came here for a reason – to lift the vibration of ourselves and others through love. Being the star in our movie of life, we’ll experience challenges and setbacks – we don’t want our time here to be boring!
This dream state doesn’t mean we throw in the towel and say “none of this matters.” It’s the opposite. We remember how much we, as a Soul experiencing life as a human, do matter. By acknowledging we’re capable of creating this all – all the beauty and trauma and day to day life – we can start to remember and invite in the Mind of Source/Spirit/God to be with us in our dream. Invite in the highest vibration of yourself. Remember you as a Soul are an extension of Source/God, and we don’t have to dream alone. Welcome guidance, insight, and support.
Nobody needs to be thrashing around in an imagined night terror.
Peace is just a thought – a vibration – away.
I’ll end this with a happy tune, as a reminder of the space inside that’s free and vast and dreaming up what’s best for us.
It’s what we already knew as a child but forgot over time:
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
In gratitude,