I know a lot of people reading this are like me, trying to balance kids’ schedules, work, Fall activities, and squeezing in time for yourself. Life can get full. And when we as humans try to hold it all together, it can be frustrating when things don’t go as planned in your mind.
If like me, some days you are feeling too human, and missing the peace that you know you truly are as a Soul, as Spirit, then try joining me for today in saying this to yourself:
“Today I will judge nothing that occurs”
I find that as I do this, it creates space in my inner world, followed by more peace in my outer world. Without judgment, where do our thoughts go to? It creates a space for your higher self, your divine nature, to have breathing room in your reality.
If we don’t judge what one of our friends or family members are doing, and just accept them as is, what then? We aren’t allowing our minds to be clouded over with “what if” or “if only they changed, then I could be happy”.
If we don’t judge a pain we have, or an illness we are dealing with, what then? Does it give the pain room to dissolve once our thoughts don’t grip it so tightly?
When you let go of judgement, it brings your energy back to you, inside of you, where it can serve you best. You might find that after one day of “judging nothing that occurs” your Mind feels more at peace. YOU don’t have to hold everything in life together. In fact, you can’t hold everything together. Life itself is unpredictable. But you as Spirit are forever safe and loved. With less judgement, it’s possible to let your Higher Self step in and guide, give answers, and bring insight.
It is possible to feel free and peaceful behind whatever is going on in your life.
Over time, we can all find that as we ease up on judging others, and what’s going on around us, the ego voice in our head begins to judge ourselves less as well. And as that inner critic loses it’s front row seat in our thoughts, what inner wisdom will show up to replace it? That’s where life can get more exciting and begin to flow like a river. Of course there will still be rocks and debris to go around, but it’s better than trying to swim upstream against the current.
I’d love to hear your experience with this. I’ll continue to repeat it to myself as well. “Today I will judge nothing that occurs.”
In gratitude,