This can be a draining process. Look around you and notice all the people in the thick of change. 2016 was an especially impactful and intense year as this energy shift forced people to address old energy patterns. As a society we were faced with this during the election process and all the deeply held beliefs and issues it brought to light. The 2017 energy is calmer (higher in vibration) and the energy is pushing us to open up further, take action, and embrace our full potential. The energy this year is less about bringing up and hashing out the past (as we did last year) and more about how to move forward and follow your passion. For those unaware of what’s going on this can be confusing and frustrating. Yet your higher self knows how to handle it and further open your heart. It’s your human side that might be holding you back.
Each person gets to choose how they handle their energy. You can choose to be aware and allow and welcome growth and great transformation. Or you could go on with your life the same as you always have. Which is just fine too. There are no judgements and really no timeline that applies to everyone.
With these energy shifts I’m noticing an increase in people longing for more insight, healing and meaning in their life. That’s what this high vibrational energy is inviting us to do – it is really a gift. People are waking up either through a trauma such as a loved one passing away, illness, or job loss – or through an intense experience such as a birth, move, or travel. And it’s up to each person to act or not act. To invite in more meaning in their life or not. When you feel a glimpse into something larger within and “out there” (your Divine Self knocking) it’s your choice if you open the door or shut it.
I write a lot about being aware of your thoughts as they arise with this new energy. This allows you to take yourself out of any lingering victim energy that’s stuck in you. For instance, it’s about letting go of thoughts such as: I’m always stuck in a job that doesn’t value my contributions. I will never make enough money. My spouse always disrespects me.
These type of thoughts take control away from you and reinforce the illusion of you as a victim of your life. The Universe is nudging us to put our Divine Self in the driver seat.
By simply being aware and asking, you’re sending the message to your Divine Self, Spirit Guides, and the Universe that you are opening up. You’re ready for insights. You’re ready to stop being reactive to life and instead be a master of your life. You’re open for business!
As you do so, you realize that in the end it’s not about whatever “thing” is bothering you. It’s not about the other person. Or the job, or the money, or the illness even. Everything we experience is a reflection of what’s going on somewhere inside us. Someone making you angry? Look within yourself. How does your heart (chakra) feel when you are still? What are you to learn and what change can you make, if needed?
Your Spirit Guides and Divine Self will always guide you to love. Forgive yourself for anything you’ve done in the past. Forgive what someone has “done” to you. If forgiving them is too hard at the moment, try accepting it “as is” for now. Lose the attachment. By doing so, you clear that old energy from your aura. Then what do you fill that space with? Thoughts and feelings of what you really want in life. You gain new energy to take action and move forward.
Amazingly, some people take comfort in old energy that makes them feel awful. The familiarity is soothing even in the worst of times. It can be scary to take a look at what isn’t serving you in life if you’re feeling overwhelmed, unhappy, or in over your head.
However, it doesn’t have to be hard! Maybe uncomfortable for a bit, but never a struggle when you work with the higher energies of the Universe or spiritual realm.
You are creating every day. Don’t limit yourself to what you were years ago, or last month, or even yesterday.
It’s a great time to be outside and soak up these healing vibrational energies. As you do so, simply acknowledge the idea that you are more than your body here on Earth. You will feel yourself supported if you simply ask.
Because – if you look to take comfort in the predictability of any old, low vibrational energy patterns that do not flow with what you desire – they’ll likely be more than willing to stick around. It’s not always easy to embrace a new view on life, but if you simply invite in guidance and allow it to flow in, you will feel grounded in this new energy and ready to move forward knowing you’re supported and fearless.
In gratitude,