I woke up to the sound of my husband snoring around 4:30am today (the struggle is real dealing with a snoring spouse). I tossed and turned for a while and then just settled into my thoughts. Although I wasn’t feeling anxious, my mind was jumping around a bit – thinking of different activities to do with the kids today, etc.
After an hour I moved downstairs to the couch. There’s something comforting about being able to lay and look out the window. I closed my eyes and told myself to find the space of peace I find during meditation. My breath slowed, my mind followed.
Soon I felt a rush of energy wash over me. It was all encompassing and I felt it surround me and move inside me. It was a high vibration and almost like someone was wrapping a warm blanket of support around me. That’s all I remember before I fell asleep.
This is a trying time for everyone. What connects us all is that we’re all in it together AND we’re all supported with loving energy. I felt it first hand early this morning and I plan to breathe into it throughout the day.
We will get through this time. Each of us has a Divine Plan that is unique to us. We are always guided.
Keep focusing on the greater perspective. Remember you are not just this human story – you are a vast Soul. You are here for a reason. If you find yourself like me at 5am, watching your thoughts and going within to center yourself, maybe you’ll feel pulled to try this simple process:
Breathe deep.
Ask for help – from your guides, angels, the Universe, your Higher Self, The Divine. The vast beyond if you prefer.
Feel what shows up. You don’t have to do anything – unless calmly guided to take action.
By simply being open and willing, the energy (love, joy, insight, God/Goddess) will merge with you. It’s a subtle energy but you can feel it if you’re still.
Let that feeling guide you in the moment. Divinely guided insight is always loving and calm – never fearful and forced.
I find I’m constantly having to watch my thoughts during this time. Feel what comes up, ask for help, and wait for the feeling to shift. What I do know is it always shifts. The fog always lifts.
I keep the quote below, channeled from Suzanne Giesemann, in my night stand. I don’t have insomnia often, but when I do – it reminds me to find the deeper meaning in being unable to sleep. What is my Soul and Spirit trying to tell me?
“You cannot sleep? You awaken in the middle of the night? What a gift!
But only if and when you dig down and under the worries and the racing thoughts
and the never-ending story and discover there the pearls and insights, the connections,
the reason for it All.
Those nudges, those snags, those seeming irritations…
all of them are leading you, guiding you, pulling you,
taking you in whatever way possible to one place: Home.
Home is not actually a place, but a state of awareness
that all of the confusion, all of the seeking, all of the learning,
all of the chance encounters were not chance at all,
but signs within the web that you are both the web
and the Being being spun out of that web.
Find your way back Home when you cannot sleep.
Begin by asking the question: What is the gift in this moment?”
In gratitude,