-Roald Dahl, author
I’ve written in the past about the importance of grounding our energy. I believe clearing and grounding our energy body and auric field to the Earth is just as important as eating healthy, sleeping, and exercising. If you find yourself feeling anxious, depressed or out of sorts, it’s very likely your energy field is clogged up with dense and lower vibrational energies we can pick up throughout the day: other people’s energy, the collective unconscious energy (think of all the patterns of behavior on the news), as well as various toxins.
Although it’s getting colder where I live, I still do my best to get some fresh air every day if only for a small amount of time. Getting outside into nature is a simple way to ground and clear – it’s what nature is here for. The elements of water, air, earth, and fire are excellent sources of light and love to restore and rejuvenate us.
What I wanted to write about today was a fun experience I had while taking a hike on a snowy day earlier this month at Gooseberry Falls, in Northern MN. My husband and I were celebrating our 10 year anniversary and we bundled up to explore the 2 mile walking path we chose to follow. It was an overcast day and we were having a great time walking without the interruption of kids, phones, and work.
We came to a beautiful overlook and suddenly I could feel the energy shift around me. As I’ve meditated and studied subtle energy over the years, my body and senses have become sensitive to sensing energy shifts, and I’ll often have these moments of energy “awareness” in my day. I usually feel the presence of Spirit, God, my guides, or my higher self. They’re often nudging me to notice something or to take a moment and breathe. So I stopped, and after a few seconds the sun came out and shined through the trees. It was just a nice moment to stop and enjoy the silence and the scenery. Of course being a photographer, I couldn’t resist snapping a few photos of the sunlight and as I did, I thought to myself, “God/angels, please show me you’re with us right now”. I felt at peace but didn’t see anything in particular. Moments later the sun hid away again and we continued our hike. The wonder of nature did it’s job of grounding and clearing my energy. We were both refreshed at the end of the afternoon.
About an hour later I looked at the photos I took on the hike. I came across the ones I took in the clearing, when I had paused and talked to Spirit, and here’s what I saw:
Look closely and you can see a very distinct blue orb in each photo. Now I know this may sound out there to some people (yet probably not if you read my blog) but I know that this is Spirit and the angels telling me they heard me talking to them. I knew I felt them – and what a way to get a solid validation!
I immediately showed my husband and he reacted in his typical fashion: equal parts “in awe” and equal parts “who is this nut job I married?” Ha. But even he couldn’t explain it. Below is a close-up
Moments like this remind me of the magic all around us. By taking time to find peace in nature, clear our thoughts, ground our energy, and invite in the magic – we open up our senses to experience more out of life. To see things from a clearer view. I knew I was walking with the my guides and angels at that moment and it was so fun to see the light of them in a picture.
I don’t know anything about orbs, so I did a quick Google search of “blue orb” and found this:
“A blue orb is spiritually associated with psychic energy and truth. It is a very calming color, and many people associate it with spiritual guidance. Some people feel blue orbs are a sign of a calming presence or energy while others feel they indicate the presence of a spirit guide in that location.”
This insight rang true; that is exactly what I felt at the moment I took the photo.
The reason I bring up this story is that God/Source, angels, and guides are able to reach us more clearly in nature. Gone is the TV, the pings of text messages, the Facebook feed. We cannot help but slow down in the beauty of nature. Just as the sunset makes us stop and take in the moment – so too can simply taking a walk around your neighborhood. It brings us to the present moment and allows us to open up to the higher energies surrounding us. These energies clear us, they bring more light to us, and they ground us. Next time you’re outside – ask for some magic of your own. Be open.
That’s all for today. We’re having some busy times at our house lately, so I’m writing as time allows. I’m looking forward to getting certified as a Reiki Master this weekend. Happy Thanksgiving!
In gratitude,