If you’re feeling off balance, overwhelmed, or disconnected from your spark – here’s a great shift in perspective that I often give my clients as a visual:
Imagine your life – from start to finish – as a book. I’ll use myself as an example. The character in my book is named Nicki. I’m playing her part – as a mother, wife, friend, etc. Look beyond the book and notice the presence holding the book, reading it, and experiencing the story from start to finish (birth to death). Who is this presence viewing the story? This is your Soul. And your connection to the Great Spirit. When the story of Nicki ends someday, this presence will continue on.
See how I am both the character in the story AND the presence looking at the big picture and the full book of my life? I’m both.
When we forget or shut out the greater aspect of ourself that is our Soul – it’s easy to feel lost in the story of our life. We can feel limited or play the victim or lack inspiration when we tune out our true nature – which is that of Spirit.
Have you tapped into that part of yourself that’s viewing your story from the greater perspective? Be curious. Who is holding and viewing the book of your life?
Find time to close your eyes and sit in the space of your inner world. Slow your breath. Welcome in the energy of your Soul and of the Great Spirit (however you label your creator). If your thoughts and the energy around you feel busy, dense, or very chaotic – that’s ok.
Just notice. How much of the subtle energy surrounding you is YOUR actual thoughts and energy?
How much of the energy is from family and friends’ thoughts and opinions?
How much is from the media?
How much is from books you read and TV shows you watch?
Can you filter them out and get down to YOUR essence? Your own quiet thoughts and insights?
Healing is really a peeling back of all that isn’t yours – to discover what really is.
Let go of ideas that don’t bring you peace.
When we start to calm down our inner world and quiet the voices of the world “out there” – we are giving the Soul and Spirit SPACE to come in. Let the Soul that’s creating and reading your book of life bring you insight and guidance. Listen. You’re not meant to be on this journey alone.
Who is turning the page of your book? Who wrote the story and is planning out the chapters? Tap into this Source.
Why do this? To bring more joy into the unfolding of your life. To feel the rush of exciting chapters and to feel the sadness of the harder ones – and everything in between. Surrender to the fact that you (the human) are not always the one in control of your story. The Soul knows the outcome. Over time you’ll see the reasons for how things are falling into place.
Be open to Inspiration.
What is INSPIRATION? Inspiration is Divine Guidance. You receive it almost as if it popped in from outside of your human self. A sudden spark of insight. What if I did this today?.. What if I tried this solution?… I should really reach out to that friend today.
Inspiration comes from a deep and intuitive knowing within you. It flows in easily when we let it.
Feeling UNinspired?
Shift your perspective ever so subtly to that of your Soul and Spirit. See your story from the wider view.
Inspiration will flow in freely when we do our part to relax and trust.
The answers to anything you seek are not in a book, or from a guru, or from changing your diet or your body. You have the answers already when you really clear out the clutter and listen.
Soon you’ll remember and know the truth: that you’re not just the character in this life you’re living – you’re a vessel for the Soul to live out a story. The Soul is guiding you – are you paying attention? Let in more of the Light that you are and you’ll notice no mater what comes up in your story – you have the anchor of who you really are to bring you peace and perspective.