As the weather turns nicer isn’t it great to get outside and be with nature again? What a relief! I noticed the trees budding on my walk yesterday, and found myself thinking about the elements of Chinese medicine – particularly the element of Wood. This element is related to Spring, and concerns our ability to grow, express ourselves (especially in relation to handling anger), and act intuitively. If your wood element is in balance you can adapt to your surroundings easily and make decisions intuitively. If your wood element is out of balance, you might find yourself feeling frustrated, lashing out, lacking direction, and irritable – which can also show up physically in your liver function – and for women, in PMS.
As this time of year brings about change and growth in wood in nature – trees growing back their leaves, flowers blooming – this also effects our energy. This is often where those bursts of energy come in to tackle Spring cleaning, or get the bike out of storage, or plant flowers. The element of Wood cannot help but be utilized within us this time of year.
I like to think about the elements of Chinese medicine – Earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood – because I find this practice makes so much sense. Of course we are affected by and influenced by the elements of nature that surround us – since we are also made up of these elements. I find I’m most drawn to Wood and Water elements (I live by a lake, with a pool, and lots of trees). There’s a reason I was drawn to this surrounding. Maybe my energy field needed these healing and balancing elements around me. (There are numerous online tests you can do to see which element you are and which could use balancing)
So this Spring, when you find yourself outside, why not stop and put both palms on a tree trunk to absorb it’s healing energy. Or hug the tree. Nothing wrong with being a full-on tree hugger! Maybe the world would be a happier place if we hugged more trees.
As you plant new seeds in your garden, think of a couple ideas you’d like to plant for yourself too. Spring is a great time to manifest something new into your life.
If you’re feeling irritable and restless, or suffering from headaches and joint pain, maybe your Wood element is out of balance. Try getting outside more and eating more sour foods (squeeze half of a lemon into your water, eat grapefruit), eat more green leafy veggies and whole grains, add a tsp. of organic apple cider vinegar to your glass of water, or sip on some dandelion tea.
Enjoy Spring!
I am going to try to pay attention to the Spring. I am going to look around at all the flowers, and look up at the hectic trees. I am going to close my eyes and listen.
-Anne Lamott
In gratitude,