“Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want”
As you begin to notice your inner dialogue, either through mindful awareness or mediation, you start to be more cognizant of your “self talk”. What I noticed after detaching from my constant mind chatter was how often I made firm, repetitive statements not only to myself but out loud to others – that I didn’t necessarily want to be making. Statements such as:
I’m so tired
I’m so stressed out
I’ll never be able to do that
These thoughts are often so fleeting or ingrained in us that we might not even notice how often we think or say them out loud. The neural pathways in our brain become used to these “I am” statements that we tell ourselves every day, and it becomes very hard to break free of them – even if they serve no benefit.
This often isn’t our fault. The brain is a huge computer and while useful, it also takes a bit of work to change long ingrained thought patterns. Those neurotransmitters work hard to make pathways that make our life easier. So while it’s great to know “don’t touch a hot oven,” it’s not so great to “know” yourself as “I’m fearful” or “I’m stressed” or “I’m unhealthy” – or whatever negative statement you might repeat to yourself consciously or unconsciously.
Why does the brain often get stuck in the negative vs. the positive? A lot of it has to do with our unconscious “fight or flight” instincts that tell us we must struggle in life; for food, or shelter, or safety. This is in our energy fields from our more primitive lifetimes and since the brain is hardwired for our survival – it’s primed to keep us alive in scarcity (even if we have plenty). This is why people often think “I don’t have enough” or “I’m not enough” or “something bad might happen to me”.
This leads to why I love meditating to “I Am” statements or mantras. By consciously feeling the I AM statement you make, repeating it in a mindful way, and energetically sending that signal through your brain, your aura, and the Universe, you can alter your neural pathways, and in turn change your perception of yourself and your reality.
As a small example, I had a terrible cold last week and had to drop everything because I felt so sick. Of course all day I was saying out loud “I’m so sick” and “I feel so awful”. These are pretty firm “I am” statements. And my mind, body, and energy field were responding with “yes.” So I was wallowing in that low vibration and “stuck” in the sickness. After some needed time to rest, I started to be proactive and instead would say “I’m healing from this cold” or “I’m feeling better”. Even when I wasn’t. Amazingly, that simple shift in verbiage helped get my energy into a forward momentum of healing vs. stagnant illness.
This isn’t simply a positive affirmation – you are intentionally feeling the vibration of what you desire, releasing it, and experiencing the results over time. Not to get too woo-woo, but imagine yourself stepping into a new reality as you make your “I Am” statement. A reality that’s right here, yet in a different and higher vibration. Where that sickness doesn’t exist anymore. Some people refer to this as Quantum Jumping.
Whatever you state in the affirmative – expect it back. There’s real truth to the saying “fake it ’till you make it”
This can be used on a small scale for annoyances like a cold or aches and pains, or for more in-depth things like losing weight, getting a new job, or dealing with chronic disease. For instance, rather than saying “I need to lose weight” – change the wording and simply say “I am at a healthy weight”. Your brain and energy field don’t know this isn’t true – and stating where you want to be then gets that momentum going. Change your energy to think you are already where you want to be – for example, at your ideal weight. Then rather than struggling, your results will unfold with divine timing: smoothly and in your best interest.
Below is a simple mediation you can try to encourage your brain to make new neural pathways and to create or manifest something energetically in your life. You can invite whatever you’d like into your life and the Universe will always respond with “Yes”. That’s why it’s so important to be mindful of what you’re inviting in! Is it for your best interest or not? Send out enough positive or negative “I Am” statements and that will be what you see around you.
It can take at least 3 weeks to form long lasting thought pattern changes in the brain – so keep at it. While energy, chakra, and aura shifts can occur in one mediation it does take longer to train the brain. And both are part of the process.
Here we go:
-Find a quiet place to sit, with your feet on the ground, for at least 10 min.
-Take a few deep breaths into your belly and fill your whole body with air, then slowly exhale
-Relax your body, releasing any tension you’re holding
-As you exhale, say in your mind (or out loud if you prefer) your “I Am” statement
For example, “I am healthy”. Feel what this statement means to you and do your best to imagine it’s already true and it is your reality.
-Then as you inhale, simply state “I Am”
Repeat this to yourself over and over with each inhale and exhale. You’re now energetially telling the Universe/Source/God what you want. Exhale and send the thought energy out – then as you inhale – you receive that new energy into your body as an affirmative acceptance: “I Am”.
As you make this a daily practice, think of each new day as a blank slate. You have the power to alter the energy of the day in whichever way you’d like. Each time you mindfully change your self talk, the easier it gets. Before you know it, your new neural pathways and your vibrant, open energy field will seek out and welcome the experiences, the people, and the lessons that fit in with and support your “I Am” statements. Your life takes on a magnetic quality, where all your “I Am” intentions are played out in the story you are creating that is your life.
Get creative with it and see what you can welcome into your reality…
In gratitude,

Great post, Nicki! I think learning how to increase our awareness and speak to ourselves in a loving way is so important–that our thoughts do become things–and I’ve found the more I say my “I am” statements, the better I feel! Can’t wait to read more!