Much of our day is spent on auto pilot mode – the state of being when we allow our minds to revert to the thought patterns that are most familiar to us. If we aren’t aware of our thoughts, they just love to take over. Our fearful thoughts are like my kids with their Halloween candy. The more candy they eat, the more they want. Yum! The more fearful thoughts we think, the more the mind creates them.
If acknowledging this makes you uncomfortable, or want to stop reading, that’s because the mind just hates to be called out. It wants to run the show, thankyouverymuch. It loves thinking about past experiences, or zeroing in on a future worry. These thoughts in turn affect our chakras, then the cells in our body, then our organs, and eventually the physical world around us.
Try to keep reading…without your thoughts holding you back.
How are your thoughts speaking to you during the day? Are they loving or fearful? And this isn’t about judging ourselves or feeling guilty about our thoughts. We all fall into fearful and misguided thoughts as human beings. But simply take time throughout the day to notice what’s going on in your thoughts. Maybe they revolve around work, work, work or I’m stressed or I have to do this, then this, then this (that’s a common one for me). Or maybe they attack you with I’m not good enough or I have pain in my back.
Sadly, our minds are often attacking us, and our reality, all day long. The mind is like a tape recorder that keeps running the same themes over and over – and many of them are on the subconscious level. It’s only when we consciously stop and press pause on the running tape that we become aware of just how busy, fearful, and automatic our thoughts are.
This is a great realization! When we’re aware that our thoughts have taken over, we are remembering who we really are. We are centered and grounded, if only for a moment. We remember we are not a body – and we are not the voice of the fearful thoughts.
We are the quiet, still voice behind the tape recorder.
We are a vast and limitless soul – projected into a body for a short time.
We are watching our thoughts from a soul level.
Yet even with daily meditation and watching our thoughts, it can often be helpful to enlist the help of a healer to clear blocks in our thought patterns.
How can an energy healing session help?
When I channel high vibrational energy (Universal, Love, God, Light) for a client, it works as a sort of remembering process for people. When loving energy is opened up inside someone, they remember that’s it’s been there all along. We are all made up of light – it is the very breath that is breathing us. But when our mindless thoughts act as a sort of blanket, or veil, they cover up who and what we really are. When our dense, low vibrational thoughts are held to the high vibration of light and love, they simply release and dissolve.
A healing session allows our mind to take a break from thoughts about our body, our pain, and our emotional trauma. It reminds us we are perfect beings behind all the thoughts. This creates space. New thought patterns can take root. How fun and exciting is that? What if our mind instead ran a tape of thoughts such as I am light.
I am perfectly guided throughout my day.
All good things come to me.
Life is easy.
How would these thoughts affect your day? What new reality could open up for you? What dis-ease in your body would disappear?
Energy healing is about releasing what we don’t need anymore. It’s not about striving for something outside of ourselves.
It’s peeling back the layers to remember we are already perfect. Behind our limiting beliefs, our mind chatter, lies a perfect being.
I’m so honored to be able to help people on their journey of remembering who they really are.
Thank you!