“To see only light is to see only Divinity in each person who walks on Earth. It is then we remember who we really are.”
-Robert Schwartz, Your Soul’s Plan
Can you think of a time when you questioned why something happened? Why a person you know, or you yourself, had to endure suffering? Or pain? Or loss?
In turn, have you allowed your mind to wonder, beyond the emotions of fear and sadness, and beyond the human brain questioning why? To instead feel and know at a deeper level that there is meaning and purpose behind every hardship, every life challenge, and even what is considered to be an “accident” that occurs? I know I have. And it’s for that reason I believe this book was brought to my attention: Your Soul’s Plan, by Robert Schwartz.
I cannot recommend this book enough. I had many moments reading it where the stories touched on something that I seemed to already know inside me but I’d somehow forgotten. Schwartz describes this knowing and deep understanding as our soul (which never dies). His research and sessions with several mediums in the book, detail how we voluntarily choose to incarnate on Earth, where we “forget” all that we are, only to then experience life and ideally find the joy of remembering all that we are, while in a physical body. Yes – that’s a mouthful!
This book tells numerous personal and in-depth stories of different people facing challenges such as losing a child, living with AIDS, battling addiction, and experiencing life-altering “accidents”. However the book is anything but dark! It’s the exact opposite. Through reading these stories, then delving deeper into the spiritual planning and meaning behind them, we experience the inner knowing that all of this lifetime (and all the ones before it) is an unfoldment. We made our life plans before we were even born. We chose when we were going to be born, to which parents, with which soul family (we often incarnate again and again with certain people), and what life altering events will occur to us to “wake us up” and remember who we really are and why we incarnated.
I find it hard to wrap up a book into a simple blog post, as you can tell! And this post isn’t to sum up something that should instead be picked up and read. I just hope my blog serves to spread the word – to hopefully ease someone’s load who may feel lost, or overloaded, or burdened by what’s happening in their life. To see it from a new perspective and gain strength in knowing how vast and powerful they really are.
Back quickly to the question of why things happen. It’s painful to read about or witness pain or despair on the news or in the life of a friend or family member. What this book reminds us is that pity for what someone else is going through is not the answer. Compassion always is. They as a soul chose this role to take on in this life, and it’s often a huge sacrifice they chose to make in order to teach the world compassion. By pitying them, we take away the power and opportunity for learning from the story they are bravely living out. By instead stirring compassion in us, they are playing out their role of helping us, and them, as a soul. This also applies to those doing “bad” things. The murderer, the abuser, the addict. They chose that role as well – and the author does a great job diving into this deeper. The book, and messages from the spirit realm that come through it, clearly states that nothing in the spiritual realm is judged as “good” or “bad”. It’s all neutral.
To quote a message from Spirit in the book:
“We would ask those of you who find yourself thinking judgmental thoughts about the perpetrators of what you see as harm to know the there is always a positive outcome to be served by the misery. We would say to you that misery is an illusion. We should say that people who open a newspaper or turn on their television, see world events, and judge them as negative are simply taking the easy road and not thinking things through. There is always something deeper. There is always something more. There is always meaning.”
This book will make you think. Like me, maybe it’ll bring about a sense of “yes, I knew this, but I had forgotten”. You will look at people’s stories from a higher perspective. You’ll connect the dots with certain things that have happened in your life. And you’ll challenge yourself to find deeper meaning and growth. You can’t help but forgive and open your heart when looking at life from this vibration. The drug abuser, the suicide bomber, the person or event that caused you pain, or the person you caused pain – how and why was this planned to play out on the Earth plane? What is the greater purpose?
This book will bring you back to center. It’ll help you remember you are both Spirit and human – and how to strike a balance between the two. If you’re feeling self pity or doubt, I hope it gives you a new perspective. It will lift you up and find appreciation in all that life has unfolded for you so far. Ideally it will help you forgive – yourself and others. It will help you realize all of life is synchronistic. Every “chance” meeting, every person that comes into your life, or leaves your life, is there for a reason and for just the right amount of time you two had planned. Through learning to stop labeling things as good or bad, but seeing them as ways to unfold and go deeper into who you are, you raise your vibration and it ripples out to those around you.
It’s fascinating stuff and I hope you get as much out of it as I did!
In gratitude,
“Our vibration affects the universe far more than our actions do, that who we are matters more than what our bodies do. The hermit who sits alone on a mountaintop radiating a vibration of peace does more to bring harmony to the world than the angry peace marcher, whose frequency serves only to create more of the very thing against which he rails so vehemently.”
–Robert Schwartz