Whether we focus on feelings/vibrations of Joy or feelings/vibrations of Fear, this effects not only our own reality, but it also plays out in the interactions we have with every human, animal, and aspect of nature we come into contact with.
Every morning you and I create an idea (mainly unconsciously until we “wake up” to our power) of what we expect to experience that day. We, as beings of energy, then send that vibration out and it intermingles inside of us and into the vast, immense, and never ending love of God/Source/The Creator. (I’m going to go with the term God for this post)
We feel what we expect – or by habit what we felt the day before. And because we believe in it so much, God/us then says “yes”. Here you go. You have free will. I will take that feeling you are sending to me and bounce it back to you. Because I am you – and you are me. And she mirrors back to us what we send to her.
Then PLOP. The feeling WE imagined is suddenly in front of us as our day unfolds. We feel it in a joyful experience at work, or in an interaction with a neighbor, or in our relationship with our spouse. We experience that very feeling (vibration) again and again. See how every person you may be “frustrated” with is really a reflection (a creation you manifested) of frustration you are sending out somewhere in your energy field? Isn’t it amazing how powerful you are?
This really makes me want to be conscious of how I’m creating my life with and through the Universe/God. We will all experience an array of experiences and vibrations during our time here, but what I am conscious of is being aware of what energy I am resonating most with. What is the middle point – my main resonance – that I swing back to after a high or a low experience in my day? Something to think about.
If it’s hard to image YOU as holding so much power and ability to change the world in your own unique way, try looking at it this way. Imagine you are the person in the image above. (look at how great you are at your yoga stretch!) Notice all the energy around and in your physical body and aura. This energy – called “The Field” in quantum physics – is energy of INFINITE possibility. This is Spirt – and God – and You. Now imagine your soul is in the driver seat (the brightest light in the picture) or is the main “controller”. And that that controller is nudging and influencing and causing serendipitous events and divine timing…all for “human you”, or physical you, walking around on Earth. Human You hopefully slows down enough to feel these insights, intuitions, gut reactions, awakenings – and then, similar to a stage actor, you “play out” your role on Earth. And it’s just that: a role.
I like to think of it in this way so we can notice the separation from our chattering thoughts (and often negative self-talk) as a “human” and not get it confused with the infinite awareness and constant love of our Divine Self or “controller” in this example.
So if we all have a soul, we all work with Spirit, then why do people do unimaginable things and hurt each other? Why would a soul looking out for their “human self” want to cause harm to someone else on Earth? And why doesn’t everyone want to experience joy? It’s my belief that these are humans who have forgotten how loved they are. They have shut out their “controller,” their soul, and have let the ego or “monkey mind chatter” of the Human Being completely take over. They’ve given into the lower vibrations of fear and greed. The pain of life has taken them over. They’ve lost their way here and forgotten their higher purpose, their Divine Self, and most importantly that God/Source/Light lives through them. Maybe a type of temporary amnesia is a way to think of it. It doesn’t mean God has forgotten about them or doesn’t love them. How can she when she created each soul, is in each soul, and is letting each human have free will.
So what can we do as observers of “bad” things playing out in this temporary reality we live in?
TAP IN to that higher aspect of yourself. Be as conscious as you can.
TAP IN to the soul guiding you, inside you and around you, and Spirit creating through you.
Is there action you’re being nudged to take to make a difference? The soul will let you know if you listen.
Is simply treating those around you with love and respect enough to do in the moment when you feel helpless watching the news? Of course it is.
Treating others with empathy and compassion sends that vibration out to you, around you, and it reflects back to you again and again.
Here’s something to try that I learned from one of my energy medicine teachers. When interacting with others, try doing so at a SOUL level. At the level and mindset of the “controller”. Rather than just looking at another person as simply a human, instead link your higher self with their higher self. You can do this through intention by simply saying to yourself (and feeling), “I affirm my soul, I affirm Joe Next Door’s soul, and I affirm the higher Power/Source God”. Feel the connection in your heart. You then have made an energetic connection between yourself and whoever you are interacting with – and you have acknowledged that you both come from Source. You’ve taken the interaction up a notch by now interacting at the higher vibration, your natural state, rather than at the human level alone. You can do this with anyone and any number of people.
When you do this, watch how things unfold differently. This works great if you need to have a difficult conversation, or attend a job interview, or are working with people as a therapist, doctor, or healer. I even use it when calling tech support for my website. It changes the interaction. It sets the tone you want to experience. Watch how others react to you differently. Watch how things play out more smoothly and with Divine Timing. And when they don’t – since nothing is perfect – watch how much easier it is to forgive and simply move on.
Try seeing everyone from a SOUL viewpoint instead of the limited HUMAN viewpoint.
We are here for such a short time – why not imagine and feel yourself attracting Joy into your time here however possible – and let your higher self GUIDE YOU toward that joy. You might be nudged to get a new job, run for office, take up playing the ukulele, or simply bake chocolate chip cookies for an afternoon. But please, listen to your SOUL, let SPIRIT guide you and express through you, and do the best you can to put up with the monkey chatter of the HUMAN body you’re in for a bit. This helps me immensely when looking at all the pain in the world. Behind it all, above, around, and in it all, are our “controllers” – our souls – yelling out “good job!” And saying “don’t forget to breathe” and “follow your joy”.
I sincerely hope this nudges you to look at everyone with fresh eyes as simply being an “actor” living their life here on Earth. And either listening to their higher guidance – or blocking it out. It’s not about saying one is better than the other either. I remind myself constantly that it’s not my job to fix people. I certainly don’t want people thinking they need to fix me. The journey is personal.
See if creating “soul to soul” interactions with people helps you live a more peaceful life. If we all found more peace inside ourselves and aimed to live in the highest vibrations, while remembering it’s all just a dream here we are acting out, what a great reality we could create here on Earth.
Don’t lose faith with all the sad news happening. I feel the sadness and the anger as much as everyone, but I know I don’t want that loop to keep playing out and being reflected back to me. Through all this pain and hurt, true growth is happening. Pay attention and you can notice there are cracks opening up to let in more light. You can see it in people when you look from the higher vantage point. Let’s all remember to ground ourselves here in our wonderful Earth – yet to remain conscious and aware that we are in this space, but we are not of this space. We are like individual waves, each a dynamic part of a vast ocean.
In gratitude,
“The Heart Of Life Is Good”