These are the days of the endless summer
These are the days, the time is now
There is no past, there’s only future
There’s only here, there’s only now
-Van Morrison
Think for a moment that your life is a record. And each experience – past, present, future – are grooves on the record. Notice how the needle settles in and plays it’s song as the record, your life, spins on and on. But the only place that really matters is where the needle is now – that’s where the music is coming from. The needle doesn’t fight it. It stays in the groove; it plays the song.
Wouldn’t we all play more grateful and joyful tunes if we followed the path of the needle on the record; the music flowing as it should in the moment? If we drag the needle away to another spot, another groove, a disruptive and unpleasant screech is heard as it’s dragged to the past or future.
So the needle settles back into a groove, back to the present moment, where life and music flows easily. Wouldn’t we all live more in harmony if we took note from the image of the record and it’s songs? Not letting anxieties of the future or pains of the past screech our thoughts away from the beautiful sound of the present moment? We find our groove in life only when living in harmony with the now. Don’t resist. Don’t fight it. Notice how you enjoy the music of life more when living in acceptance and gratitude of where you are on the record.
I hope you can take time right now to practice this. Below is a song to enjoy; kick your feet up, listen, and just BE. Van Morrison’s voice is what I imagine singing on the soundtrack of my life. It has the ability to bring me out of my planning or worrying and just enjoy the music.