First think of habits you may have. Something as simple as the habit of eating peanut butter toast every morning for breakfast. The beneficial habit of brushing your teeth vs. the not so beneficial habit of biting your nails. Habits are things we often do without much thought – yet because they are a “habit” they are also easily changeable with a little motivation and self discipline. While it may be annoying to have to change bad eating habits (the actual food you put on your plate) – it can be much more emotional and sometimes daunting to go further and change the pattern (what are the emotions and fears behind overeating or depriving yourself of food?). See how the pattern is deeper? Getting rid of the habit is cutting the weed away. Getting rid of the pattern is pulling the weed out by it’s roots.
I think of a pattern as a strong force or lower vibration in the subtle body energy field. I visualize it as a swirling ball of energy in someone’s aura that causes an imbalance in the body’s vibration, then mind, and eventually in their physical life.
An energy pattern can be formed in utero (yes, you’re effected in the womb by energy around you), or in early childhood. Patterns are also carried over from past lives and from your ancestors that came before you. They can also be formed in this life from a particularly impactful experience or relationship. However that pattern started, if you allow it to remain in your energy field, it will do it’s job of playing on loop over and over – and bring those experiences that reflect the pattern into your physical life for you to experience over and over until the lesson it is teaching is learned. That is, until you take control of your own energy, love every aspect of yourself (“good” and “bad”) and release the pattern once and for all.
We often forget that we are masters of our energy field. Without realizing it, we create the day ahead of us by simply going on what happened the previous day. Without mindfulness of our thoughts and emotions, it’s so very easy to slip into the loop. Into a stuck pattern. In this way, we are surrendering our control and missing out on the magical part of life.
So how can we heal these energy wounds and imbalances that show up as patterns in our lives? It can be overwhelming to think of addressing energy patterns from ancestors that lived 200 years ago. However, with simple awareness, intention, and self love – any pattern can be released.
The first thing to do is name the pattern. Once you can pinpoint the pattern that’s limiting you, you open the door to healing. Say it out loud. Name the pattern = tame the pattern. You take away it’s power. By beginning to shed light on it, you lose your fear of it, which is the first step in dissolving it.
The second thing to do is lose any judgement of the pattern. If you fear it, you are fighting it too much. Love the pattern for what it is – something to learn from – and it begins to loosen.
Then start asking yourself questions that will lead to self awareness and healing:
- What are you claiming? What thoughts are you claiming as “yours” that you don’t need? (ex: “I am bad with money”)
- What patterns are showing up in your life that bring you fear? (ex: “I know I’m going to get sick”)
- Do you feel stuck in any area of your life? Dig deeper and see the core pattern. (ex: issues of self love, fear of being alone, fear of not having enough)
The subject of patterns is so important, because they are often the very thing that is holding someone back from their life purpose. It’s also important to remember we ALL have patterns. We come into this life with them whether we choose to or not. Intentionally calling out the patterns you are claiming as “yours” each day allows you to learn from them. We learn compassion for ourselves.
We then begin to have compassion for people acting out in terrible ways. What patterns were those people raised with? What patterns are they acting out in this life from things their ancestors did lifetimes ago? It’s a cycle that can be broken only with love and light – not shame.
Here’s a final example of how to not fear patterns of energy, but instead look at them as a learning tool to grow from and raise your vibration. Imagine a person with an out of control drinking “habit” whose root “pattern” is fear of not being good enough. If that person can have a small moment of awakening (it just takes a moment!) to acknowledge their pattern, they open the door to healing. As they open up to more light in their life, bit by bit that energy pattern begins to dissolve into the universe (I actually visualize the energy clearing from the body). The person is then filled with high vibrational energy and new momentum. Maybe they’re led to become an addiction counselor and help others in their own stuck patterns. See how sometimes the patterns we fear looking at inside of ourselves are the very patterns that are here to serve as our wake up call and open up new doors? By working on clearing unwanted energy, new possibilities are made available to us that reflect what we really dream of in life.
If this struck a chord with you – take some time to be aware of patterns showing up in your life that aren’t serving you. Rememeber a pattern can be a thought or emotion – as well as people and events repeatedly showing up in your life. If you notice something you want to release, welcome in these words:
I am stuck.
I have the right to know myself in a new way – I have the right to be unstuck.
I welcome changes in my energy field to lead me to more freedom
to be the best version of myself.
Go a step further and work with the angels around you. You don’t have to do this all on your own – you’re surrounded by helpers just waiting to be asked.
I posted a little song below for some inspiration!
In Gratitude,